Breathwork Therapy in Delhi to release stress & overcome illhealth

Therapeutic Sensory Awareness

Time Tested Taoist Techniques

Breath Consciousness

Breathwork is immensely rejuvenating, a practice that will change your life forever. Browse our Modules or learn more


Our therapy: What it is

We specialize in a form of breathwork therapy in Delhi that combines breath consciousness, ancient Taoist methods and therapeutic sensory awareness. We tailor-make our approach based on your specific needs, combining principles of traditional chinese medicine, breathing maneuvers and body-mind awareness generating methods. You will find our approach immensely refreshing and therapeutic.

Breathwork in delhi

Breathwork Benefits

Why take one of our modules?

Inner Balance

Our therapy will help you access your own psychosomatic power to heal and balance

Deep Relaxation

You will find our approach deeply relaxing for both body and mind

Enhanced Clarity

Using our technique will bring silence and quiet, especially if your life is very hectic and tiring

Freedom from the Known

Doing this practice regularly will bring freedom from conditioning, allowing you to create the life you want

Proven to work

All three components of our approach are well known to work against a variety of ailments and can bring a sense of wellbeing you have not experienced before

Present Moment Awareness

You will acquire the means and the skill to always be grounded in the now

Want to know more about our Breathwork and how it can help?


What our clients say

I suffer from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and had terrible anxiety. Dr Ghosh’s approach was amazingly beneficial and enjoyable to undertake. I have no anxiety now!

Neelam Gillani

I have very severe back pain. Working with Dr Ghosh helped me adopt a liberating approach to my distress and has definitely increased pain tolerance. My thanks to him.

Mukut Sharma