Breathwork for Physical and Mental Health

Dr Ghosh has a unique approach and his breathwork is elegant and searching. I love doing breathwork sessions with him!


French Diplomatic Corps, Delhi

Breathwork for Chronic Illness

Chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and others disrupt the immune system, activate emergency responses of the body and cause constant physiological stress. Breathwork for physical and mental health reverses inflammation, strengthens the immune system, stabilizes the body clock, alkalinizes the blood and elevates mood. While we cannot promise cure, we can say with certainty that our approach will reduce the intensity of your distress and change the relationship you have with your body and mind so that chronic illness has much less impact in your life.

Breathwork for Trauma

Severely traumatic experiences during childhood or adult life leave an unhealthy, deleterious imprint on body, mind and breathing. These hazardous patterns are insidious, and act covertly to sabotage your health and wellbeing. Breathwork has been proven to realign the body-mind to facilitate harmony and regular practice is known to purge trauma imprints and reestablish wholesome, coherent breath and body leading to healthy and adaptive interpersonal and intrapersonal life.

Breathwork for Mental Illness

Illnesses such as anxiety disorder, body image distortions, depression, abnormal grief and others cause the fight-flight-freeze response to constantly be activated. This means that the sympathetic system responses are dominant throughout the body causing chronic stress on the heart and many other organs, raising cortisol levels and increasing oxidant damage. The resulting bodily damage raises vigilance, distorts breathing mechanics and reduces psychological flexibility. Breathwork is well known to activate the rest-repair responses within the body in addition to calming and relaxing the mind. Studies on breathwork for physical and mental health have shown that these practices help manage a wide variety of mental illnesses such as ADHD, depression and anxiety.

Do you want to try a free regimen of breathwork for physical and mental health?